April 20, 2010

Spring. Fling.

The Battle of the Bands has come and gone, and LORI AND ANDY'S 10TH AVENUE SUPERGROUP has been selected to play SPRING FLING 2010!!

We want to give a huge shout-out to the other bands that played the show--you guys were all KILLIN' IT.

And another, equally huge shout-out to everyone who came to support us! We wouldn't have gotten far without you cheering us on.

Many thanks to Gigi Rodriguez for filming our set--the clips are on our Vimeo page if you want to check 'em out! (Just click "Vimeo" on one of those videos down there.)

See you on the President's Lawn on 5/1/10!

--Lori & Andy

April 10, 2010


Watch and listen, folks, to the preliminary mixes of the final versions of four songs that will be on our EP!

Track Samples from Lori and Andy on Vimeo.

April 9, 2010

La Batalla de los Bands


Lori and Andy's 10th Avenue Supergroup will be playing Tufts' Battle of the Bands! The winner plays Spring Fling alongside Drake and OK Go. Not a bad deal.

So here's what we've been up to: recording, mixing, writing parts for backup singers, and writing about all of the above for our Communications/Media Studies project.

Here's what we're doing in the near future: talking about our live show (which includes discussing wardrobe, coordinated backup singer dance moves, and how many mics we can use without causing a university-wide blackout), more recording and mixing, rehearsing with our 9-PERSON BAND, and some promotional stuff (here's a hint: you are being promoted to RIGHT NOW, omg).