February 28, 2010

First Rehearsal with Band!!

Wow, a REAL band!!! That's Caleb Sweet on the left, Zach Camara on drums, and the guy you can't see because he's not there is Jeremy Strauss, who's doing some synth stuff for us but was not present at that particular rehearsal. We've had four or five rehearsals and officially have all of our songs READY TO GO. Which is a good thing, because we're doing our first batch of recording (bass and drums) Sunday, March 7. Wow.

I'm really, really excited about how everything sounds. Seeing the songs come together with musicians of this caliber has been very cool and very humbling as well. And having everyone's input on song structure, arrangements, and even lyrics has been incredibly productive.

And, added bonus: we're now putting all our videos on Vimeo because the Blogger video thingy sucks with a capital S. So check 'em all out! They look and sound much better.